XPO Logistics, a leading global provider of transport and logistics solutions, has renewed its agreement with Elected Staff Representatives to promote jobs for workers with disabilities in France through 2019. The announcement coincides with European Disability Employment Week and the company’s 10-year anniversary of committing to inclusion for workers with disabilities.

In addition, XPO and the French organization ARES were recognized on 14 November at the Handicap et Entreprise : ça tourne movie festival in Lyon (Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) for their Log’Ins joint venture. Log’ins received a prize for managerial innovation based on its short documentary about the professional development of a worker trained by Log’ins and now employed at the XPO site in Saint Vulbas (Ain department). XPO and ARES founded Log’ins in 2011 to be an employment springboard for disabled individuals. The initiative aligns with ARES’ mission to promote social and professional integration for disabled workers.

Ludovic Oster, senior vice presidenthuman resources, XPO Logistics Europe, said, “We are proud of Log’ins’ success and the recognition it has received for managerial innovation. As a company, we strive to make a difference in advancing the hiring of workers with disabilities. We believe that all companies can play a role in changing the perception of disabled workers through employment initiatives and human resources policies.”

XPO has implemented a human resources policy to increase the number of disabled employees at some of its supply chain facilities in France. This will be supported by external initiatives, such as the company’s collaboration with specialized recruitment agencies, as well as internal programs. A network of support staff within XPO will assist colleagues with disabilities, provide training courses and internships, and help workers qualify for RQTH-certification (Recognition of the Quality of a Disabled Worker).